Peniel I.'s Articles Liked
- 707
So Cool! This Hong Kong–Based Artist Makes Sculptures Out of Lipstick.
Hong Kong-based artist May Sum carves lipsticks into industry icons. You’ll want to display these on your wall instead of in your makeup drawer.
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Extreme Nails: What It’s Really Like
Ever thought about getting crazy-long fake nails? One writer tells all about her first experience with acrylics.
Hair Removal
- 614
Is More-Natural Body Hair the Next Big Thing in Beauty?
Body hair has been sort of a hot news item lately. Here’s the case for why you might consider letting yours grow (not the least of which is saving a LOT of time in the shower).
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4 Natural Mascaras That Actually Work
Had a negative experience with natural mascara? You may have just been using the wrong product! Here are a few of our fave healthier picks that make lashes look just how you want them to—long and luscious.