Beauty Product Reviews

hard work, but interesting

The hearts in this stuff are huge, but that is sort of the problem. if you like a random pattern--this might work. If you want a design, you have to really use a toothpick to place your hearts while the polish is still wet. Looks great on top of reds & pinks. I love it, but don't use it much because I'm lazy.

Lots of pigment

These are heavily pigmented, and are pretty close dups to some high end shadows. This is my go-to everyday shadow palette--because it is cheap enough to have one in my purse all the time.

Great replacement for light foundation

I have tried other beauty balms--Clarins (which I love, but isn't like this at all) and Boots (which I do not like). This is a great replacement for light foundation and face primer. I used light, and I am pretty fair. I can see that this would be too dark on my sister with red hair.

+ pretty good coverage without looking like a mask +really does sort of even out things but doesn't completely cover my freckles (desirable for me) +feels good on the skin +big tube for a cheap price ($12.97 at CVS this morning not on sale) +replaces my primer & creamy foundation +doesn't come off when you rub your face later in the day (I seem to rub my face a lot for some reason)

-smells horrible to me like most Garnier face products. Smell dissapates after 5-10 minutes. -not enough moisturizer to be used alone if you have dry skin -not enough sunscreen for me

Better than dry shampoo

If your hair is a little bit dirty and you need some volume, this works pretty well. It takes a few times to figure out how much to use, so don't start using this on a day when looks are super important. You use it on dry hair, and you really do have to spread it out in your hands before applying. You need to be able to wash your hands immediately after applying--otherwise they feel gritty and dirty.

I have thick but fine hair--most volumizing products don't last. This one actually does.

Not for me!

It smells bad, and doesn't work on dark hair. It left an ashy film and you could see it. I had to brush it all out. And to be honest--even though I got 2 cans in a buy one-get-one free deal, it seemed expensive. I have thick but short hair and the can lasted for about 4 uses. Maybe I was using too much? It took longer to use than re-washing my hair.

Good for 40+ skin

I have dry skin, and these seem to work better for me than other brands. They clean gently but don't leave my skin parched. You really need to make sure the package is closed tightly or they dry out before the month is up.

Nice little bag

I am quite a product whore, so I wouldn't say this holds everything I need, but I like it. It does hold quite a bit, and it sits flat so you can see into it and not have to dig around. The bronze color is very nice too.

quick dry = can't put it on right

I bought 2 of these, thinking they would be perfect for summer. WRONG! They go on very wet--feel like a lip gloss--and I just couldn't make them work. No matter what, there was shadow somewhere I didn't want it.

Might be good for smoky eyes?

I got this thinking that it could be a good all-day shadow. The only problem was that I missed the "ultra pigmented" part. I got a gray color, and it is too dark, even when applied lightly. In another color it might be ok, but I'm not sure. I used my finger to apply, and that might be part of the problem. Huge container for $3

Not as advertised

This looks great, smells great, but is impossible to put on and look right. I have purchased this twice--thinking that that first time I got a bad batch--but it is sticky and just never looks right.

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