I have been using for a long time now, and is my favorite face wash. I love the little scrubber. Quick and easy, a definite must-have.can find it at the local pharmacy, and for less than $5!
Smells awesome. Is tied with blistex on my list. That is like a 9.8 on my chart. Eos has really outdone themselves. Also try their lotion. So awesome. What's next?
I had a big pimple on my forehead. Long-story-short: gone in like 2 days. Great jobs loreal. Awesome product. Also worked on acne and clogged pores. My face was a mess before this stuff. After: my clear skinned self.
I also have dry skin under my nose. So helps, I love the sting at first cuz then you know it's working. I love it. I actually think it's better than eos. And half the price.