5 Beauty Products to Fight Revenge Bedtime Procrastination for a Restful Night’s Sleep


Photo: Gusat Silviu / Pexels

Am I the only one struggling to get a restful night’s sleep recently? Please say no! Recently, it seems like no matter how tired I am or how hard I try, I just can’t fall asleep. From getting sucked into TikTok and YouTube rabbit holes (reminder to slow your scroll!) to the endless list of thoughts racing through my mind as soon as my head hits the pillow, it seems like I just can’t catch a break. Maybe revenge bedtime procrastination is to blame: unconsciously taking ‘revenge’ on my busy day by endlessly scrolling way past my bedtime.

If only it was as easy as getting in bed, closing my eyes, and dozing off into dreamland (sigh). If you’ve been struggling to wind down like I have, add these restful beauty products to your nighttime routine ASAP, so you can wake up looking—and feeling—better than ever.

Sleep mist

If you’ve been looking to wind down naturally, look no further than a dreamy mist infused with relaxing essential oils. The best part? You can go about your routine as usual. The subtle yet effective ingredients (look for lavender and chamomile) will work their magic without any extra effort.

Beautylish recommends:
Slip Sleep Mist

Calming body oil

Multitasking at its finest—deeply nourish and protect your skin with a relaxing and soothing blend of oils while encouraging a sense of peace and harmony. Key ingredients to look for are lavender and chamomile—both have soothing and relaxing qualities that can help battle insomnia.

Beautylish recommends:
Indie Lee Sleep Body Oil

Drink of choice

Just like we default to caffeine to wake us up and energize us throughout the day, why not add a drink to your nighttime routine to help unwind too? Boost relaxation and reduce stress with the help of magnesium, melatonin, and adaptogens like ashwagandha.

Beautylish recommends:
Moon Juice Magnesi-om
Vital Proteins Blueberry Moon Milk Collagen Latte

Essential oils

Another way to relieve nighttime restlessness is with the right oil(s). One of the most versatile ways to de-stress, try massaging the right relaxing oil onto your temples and pulse points, inhaling it, or adding it to your diffuser—your choice. Unwind, breathe, and prepare for deep rest.

Beautylish recommends:
Uma Pure Rest Wellness Oil


You can’t go wrong with some CBD before dozing off. Just to be clear, CBD is non-psychoactive and THC-free, making it the perfect way to calm your mind during the day or at the end of the day.

Beautylish recommends:
Lord Jones Tincture