How I Style Dresses | For The Daytime
- Added Jun 29, 2013
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So I say in the video that I have 5 outfits to show, and I did film 5 outfits, but for some reason my camera didn't film one of them :( I thought I would still upload the video, but instead of 5 outfits I now have 4! Hope you enjoy x
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So I say in the video that I have 5 outfits to show, and I did film 5 outfits, but for some reason my camera didn't film one of them :( I thought I would still upload the video, but instead of 5 outfits I now have 4! Hope you enjoy x
Outfit 1:
Dress - New Look
Earrings - Republic
Necklace - Primark
Bracelet - Republic
Shoes -
Bag - Littlewoods
Outfit 2:
Jacket -
Dress - New Look
Bag -
Bracelet - H&M
Earrings - Primark
Shoes - Primark
Leggings - Select
Outfit 3:
Jacket - Daisy Street
Dress - Primark
Necklace & earrings - Accerorize
Bag - New Look
Shoes - Office
Outfit 4:
Dress - Apricot
Necklace - Bhs
Earrings - Republic
Bag - Tkmaxx
Shoes - Primark
Twitter - @LoveFromSailey
Blog -
Instagram - Saileyx
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