Samore's BasketBall Wives: MIAMI| S5 Ep6 Recap|
- Added Sep 24, 2013
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Basketball Wives miami SEASON 5 EPISODE 6REVIEW :
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Tags: Shortyde86 shortyde86 Shortyde86 Shortyde86 Shortyde86 Shortyde86 Shortyde86 Shortyde86, samoreloveunchained, samoreloveunchained, BasketBallWives show recap, basketball wives show review, BasketBallWives on vh1, basketball wives back on, Shortyde86 Samorelovetv Samorelovetv Samorelovetv Samorelovetv Samorelovetv Samorelovetv Samorelovetv Samorelovetv, Samore Lovebugz, SamoreLoveBugz, SamoreLoveBugz,
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