Wengie answers 4 FAQ questions - The Wonderful World of Wengie
- Added May 8, 2013
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This video I'll be answering some questions I get a lot on my channel:
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This video I'll be answering some questions I get a lot on my channel:
1. What nationality are you
2. Where are you from?
3. What kind of accent do you have?
4. How tall are you?
If you have questions for me please submit it here: http://www.wengie.com/p/ask-wengie.html
Also listen to the end to hear a fun song my friends wrote for me one night :)!! Haha it's pretty catchy!
I hope to be doing more of these vids soon :)!
Talk to me:
Blog: http://www.wengie.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/wwwengie
Twitter: @wengie
instagram: @misswen
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