A desperate plea to parents, young and old!
- Added Dec 18, 2012
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In the wake of the horrible tragedy in Newtown, CT I felt a need to express a concern and to make a plea to all parents in regards to our children. Now I understand that Gun reform is a hot topic, and yes I agree that gun control should be an issue addressed, but more importantly, I as a parent feel that we need to look at the issues of mental health, parental responsibilities and our own reckless carelessness over what we allow to be in our children's little brains, and how these things affect them. It's an opinion, I may be completely off, but I just needed to get this off my chest. I am completely devastated for these parents, and share the sorrow that they might be feeling and will continue to feel at the terrible loss of not only their children, but community leaders, teachers, and friends. Not to metion their peace of mind. My most sincere condolence to all the families and friends of the victims. I love you all!