- Added Jan 26, 2013
New Arrivals
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Tomorrow, Saturday January 26th, I will be giving an interview at Narodnoe Radio Tallinn (100.0 fm) @Pudra Show. The interview will be in Russian. I will join the show at 11:00 am Estonian time, which is GMT +2 timezone. Here is the link where you can listen to the show in the Internet:
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Tomorrow, Saturday January 26th, I will be giving an interview at Narodnoe Radio Tallinn (100.0 fm) @Pudra Show. The interview will be in Russian. I will join the show at 11:00 am Estonian time, which is GMT +2 timezone. Here is the link where you can listen to the show in the Internet:
Завтра в субботу 26го января я буду давать интервью на Народном Радио в Таллинне (100.0fm) на Пудра-Шоу. Интервью будет на русском языке. Я присоединюсь к шоу в 11 утра, временная зона GMT +2. Интервью мо;но будет услышать и в Интернете:
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