MAC Bace Makeup / 必見!!MACのトップアーティストに教わるベースメイク!
- Added Jan 25, 2013
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I found it difficult to add a translation to this long video, so you won't be able to get the words. But you can see the products that I'm using and the touch-up.
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I found it difficult to add a translation to this long video, so you won't be able to get the words. But you can see the products that I'm using and the touch-up.
I really hope you like it.
Today I am showing a video from the time when I took a makeup seminar by Mariko Tagayashi, one of only eight MAC Senior Artists in Asia. She is a famous makeup artist who represents Japan, so it was an honor to be given such a wonderful opportunity.
I got to see makeup techniques that I didn't know about before, so those techniques are being utilized in my makeup videos too.
I'm sure that you will be able to learn a lot as well.
Party Makeup/必見!!MACのトップアーティストに教わるパーティーメイク!
-LIGHTFUL MOISTURIZER(ライトフル モイスチャライザー)
-PREP + PRIME / Skin Smoother(プレップ プライム / スキンスムーザー)
-STUDIO FIX FLUID SPF15 / NC25(スタジオ フィックス フルイッド / NC25)
-190 FOUNDATION BRUSH(#190ファンデーションブラシ)
-PRO LONGWEAR CONCEALER / NW20(プロ ロングウェア コンシーラー / NW20)
-PREP + PRIME TRANSPARENT FINISHING POWDER(プレッププライム トランスペアレント フィニッシングパウダー)
-EYE BROW / Fling(アイブロウ / フリング)
-SMALL EYE SHADOW / Soba(スモールアイシャドウ / ソバ)
-BROW SET / Girl Boy(ブロウセット / ガールボーイ)
M・A・Cシニア アーティスト 耕 万理子さん
M・A・C senior artist MARIKO TAGAYASHI
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