- Added Jan 16, 2013
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Have you guys seen this around? I have been seeing it EVERYWHERE!! I love concealers, let's face it..... they works wonders right?! Well, I had to try them out. So I did a tutorial on how I would apply this & what my 1st impressions are about it
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Have you guys seen this around? I have been seeing it EVERYWHERE!! I love concealers, let's face it..... they works wonders right?! Well, I had to try them out. So I did a tutorial on how I would apply this & what my 1st impressions are about it
L'Oreal Truematch Crayon Concealer $7.99: http://www.target.com/p/l-oreal-true-match-crayon-concealer/-/A-14306460#prodSlot=medium_1_1&term=loreal+truematch
Visit my blog for more details & pics: http://officialstinad.blogspot.com/
Current giveaway: 'FAVORITE 2012 PRODUCTS INTL GIVEAWAY' http://youtu.be/u9jq_akqAR8
Previous 1st Impression/Reviews:
Revlon Jumbo Waver: http://youtu.be/O1gB8OsH_qo
Jean Pierre Facial Wipes: http://youtu.be/E2c94DaKKeM
Come w/ me through my day-to-day life on my vlog channel 'OfficialStinaDTV': http://www.youtube.com/user/officialstinadtv
Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/OfficialStinaD
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Instagram: OfficialStinaD
Any companies who want to collab on a product review &/or giveaways, pls email me: officialstinad@gmail.com
Don't forget to 'Like' & sub the channel!! THANKS!!! :D
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