My Experience with Talika Eyelash Lipocils

  • Added Nov 17, 2010

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Nov 17, 2010

Charlene D.

I just saw your Talika vid...I have really sparse eyebrows & HATE having to fill them in everyday. Did you use the original Talika eyelash mascara to help grow your eyebrows back? I've used RapidLash from Ulta--didn't work! I'm currently using Monoxidil (saw this idea from a youtube vid) and their slowly growing back. How long did it take till you started seeing results? GREAT vid & thx for any suggestions.

Nov 18, 2010

Asami Gwen C.

I used the original Talika Lipocils ($40) on my eyebrows, and it took about 28 days for me to get results that I considered substantial. I applied it once in the morning and once before bed. Talika makes an Eyebrow Lipocils now, but I'm not sure if it's a different formulation. (I recommend the original lash one just because that's what worked for me.) I hope you see results soon! :-)