Pure Innocence
- Added Aug 15, 2011
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I did this look on my mom when she was on her way to work and I thought it looked really cute, so i figured, "why shouldn't I recreate it?" So here it is. This video has what I used in the video so I'll just give you general links today.
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I did this look on my mom when she was on her way to work and I thought it looked really cute, so i figured, "why shouldn't I recreate it?" So here it is. This video has what I used in the video so I'll just give you general links today.
Songs I used:
Moment for life- Nicki Minaj feat Drake
Link to my blog:
I'll have a review of Antoinette's Revolution up in a few days at the latest.
Link to the featured company:
And for the record, I bought everything myself. No freebies for me
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