I'll never shut up!
- Added Aug 22, 2011
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Some whore tried to get me silenced. It didn't work! I'm back baby!
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Some whore tried to get me silenced. It didn't work! I'm back baby!
Sadly I had to remove some vlogs, but I shall continue what I've always done, pissing off the world with my words.
Someone, who you will know if you've been watching my past vlogs, has been causing me a lot of trouble. She didn't like me speaking the truth about her, and the stupid cow went to the police claiming I was harrassing (I never speak to her because she can't be bothered to talk to me) and slandering her. All the things I've said are, to my best knowledge, true.
Her son's items were round my house, and when she was arranging to collect them, through her puppet, she wouldn't give me a time. Instead of being reasonable, she went to the police claiming I was witholding his belongings, why would I want a whole load of fat men's clothing and a cheap guitar?!
Her son then tried to assalt me when I tried to take my baby things back, and instead of dumping me like a real man he just ignores me. Looks like I'll be back in court again.
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