Blah to Glam Hair!(Living Proof Glammie challenge)
- Added May 4, 2012
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Living Proof Restore the Love Challenge for MyGlam
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Living Proof Restore the Love Challenge for MyGlam
So we all know that being an Asian blonde is a ton of work. As someone who had virgin hair for the past three years, it was almost a shock to actually experience exactly how much maintenance goes into being an Asian blonde!
I bleach and dye my own hair. Admittedly, I am not very good, and I am not a professional. I'm very impatient with my hair, and most of the time I am stubborn to the point where I will do all that I can to get it to the color I want or like as fast as I can, regardless of damage. Also, I'm aware that my hair looks pink, not blonde. I tinted my hair light pink on purpose, but you get the idea.
Airport Lounge Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons "Attribution 3.0"
All products are paid for by myself. Expensive...
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