Garnier Fructic Blow Dry Perfector Kit Tutorial/ Review

  • Added Aug 21, 2012

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Mar 14, 2013

Alli W.

Yeah, I'm going to write my own review because I'm mad about it lol. I'm watching yours now :) How do you edit your videos? I'm wondering for my site. I've just been doing basic stuff. It's not a beauty site or anything like that at all, so totally unrelated, but I liked the simple/elegant look to your graphics :) Thanks for posting the vid!

Mar 14, 2013

Alli W.

DUDE, the inside packet says "may have an odor..." Yeah, understatement of the DECADE! This stuff smells like rotten eggs mixed with rotten pickle juice! It stunk up my entire apartment and it's a townhouse o_O My husband was so pissed lol. It really smells that awful. No wonder I found it on the clearance rack for $5 along with tons of others at Walmart! I'll post if it worked for me or not, but my first reaction... Wow. Awful.