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Sock Bun Hairstyle | How To Sock Bun | Ballerina Bun using Sock
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Sock Bun Hairstyle | How To Sock Bun | Ballerina Bun using Sock
Hello Everyone and welcome to Lavish Dream! In this video I will show you how to make a Sock Bun Hair Style. Yes you read it right a Sock Bun Hairstyle!! Using a regular sock!! This is a quick and easy to do hairstyle for medium or long hair and is perfect for any type of formal or informal occasions or running everyday errands. Here you will learn How To Sock Bun for the perfect Sock Bun Hair Style some may call this a Ballerina Bun using sock we call it Sock Bun Hairstyle :)
Stay tuned for more easy to do hairstyles!
Product used in this video:
Looped brush
Soft bristle brush (to pick us fly-away hair)
Clear hair elastic
L'Oreal Studio hairspray (medium hold)
Hair grips
Decorated hair grips
Head band
Step by Step Instructions:
1. Take a sock, cut off the toe part and roll it to create a doughnut.
2. Brush your hair to avoid tangling.
3. Put your hair up in a high ponytail.
4. Put the sock over the ponytail on top on top of the hair elastic.
5. Bring it up to 1.5" from the ends of your hair.
6. Wrap the ends of the hair around the sock.
7. Start rolling the sock towards the head at the same time spreading the hair evenly around it.
8. Secure the bun with hairgrips.
and now you have a perfect Sock Bun Hairstyle aka Ballerina Bun using sock ;) glad to teach you How to Sock Bun :)
This elegant and fashionable updo is perfect for a romantic first date, a night out, for a party, for dancers (for a dance class or competition), for prom, homecoming, graduation party, ball, reception, bridesmaids and all kind of stylish special occasions and evening events. This dressy and sophisticated red carpet bun will also look great as a bridal updo.
Прически из длинных и средней длинны волос, прически дома на длинные волосы, быстрая укладка волос для выхода в ресторан, коктельная причёска, прическа для вечеринки, прически на средние волосы за 5 минут
Este updo elegante y moderno peinado es perfecto para una cita romántica, una noche de fiesta, fiesta, los bailarines (para una competencia de baile), baile, la fiesta de graduación, la recepción, las damas de honor y todo tipo de ocasiones especiales y eventos nocturnos. Peinado para novias.
Cette coiffure élégante et a la mode est parfaite pour un rendez vous romantique, ou en soirée pour une party aussi pour une compétition ou cours de dance , pour une graduation, un bal ,ou filles d'honneurs également.
toutes sortes d'occasions,tapis rouge, mariage
Sock Bun Hairstyle | How To Sock Bun | Ballerina Bun using Sock | Red Carpet High Bun
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May 7, 2013
Emma T.
This is great!
Oct 4, 2012
Shishini W.
yesss.my mom use to style me and my sisters hair like that for church alllll the time! its called a dounut;)
Sep 3, 2012
Scarlet M.
loooovee it
Sep 3, 2012
Lavish Dream H.
Aug 25, 2012
Pamela H.
i love this :) it looks so easy!
Aug 26, 2012
Lavish Dream H.