Christmas HAUL
- Added Feb 14, 2011
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Better swatch pictures are on my blog:
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Better swatch pictures are on my blog:
My allergies are out of control and Benedryl makes me puffy, especially my eyes as you can see. I also have insomnia, which doesn't help either. I almost reshot this when I saw how puffy my eyes were and how tired I am but then changed my mind. This is me in the morning, I'm slow and puffy so what!
Before I post this, let me first say that I love Christmas not because of the gifts I receive but because(and this will sound corny but just bear with me until the end) I celebrate Christmas in my heart everyday that I wake up on this beautiful Earth. I am and have always been very spiritual. I don't push my beliefs on people out of respect but also because I think religion is a personal matter. But these past 2 Christmases have been especially meaningful to me because of this reason and this reason a lone: I am a cancer survivor and this is the second Christmas since my diagnosis that I have been considered "cured" by all my doctors. Since 2006 the Holidays were usually the prelude to all my treatments(radiation) and invasive testing because I always scheduled all my appointments to take place right after New Year so that I would be well enough to enjoy the summer. So although our Holidays were always great, up until 2 years ago, a heavy "cancer" cloud would be hanging over us because I was in dread over what I knew was going to come. But not this year once again and it feels wonderful. And I want to make that clear before anyone thinks that my joy is derived at all from any of the "things" I receive. I don't talk about it here because that's not what this channel is for, to me. I will make a video about it one day soon but I thought I would mention it first since my husband has taken so much pleasure out of giving me gifts in celebration of that as well as celebrating Christmas. And for that reason alone I live without a care in whether I have anything under the tree or not.
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