- Added May 6, 2020
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IT'S HAPPENING, THE TWINS ARE COMING AT 33 WEEKS 1 DAY PREGNANT! We stayed safe during this 2020 covid-19 corona virus pandemic. It's crazy to think that one day this will be a huge thing in history that the world just shut down the month they were born. Watch and see how my 33 week premature labour starts. So at 30 weeks 3 days pregnant I went into labour. I dilated from 0-5 in about 4 hours. I didnt feel contractions but things were happening. I was taken immediately down to labour & delivery given an epidural and magnesium shots for the babies brain development. I told everyone it wasn't happening, that babies weren't actually coming yet. No one believed me until 24 hours later they stop and here I am back in my antenatal room keeping them in!
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IT'S HAPPENING, THE TWINS ARE COMING AT 33 WEEKS 1 DAY PREGNANT! We stayed safe during this 2020 covid-19 corona virus pandemic. It's crazy to think that one day this will be a huge thing in history that the world just shut down the month they were born. Watch and see how my 33 week premature labour starts. So at 30 weeks 3 days pregnant I went into labour. I dilated from 0-5 in about 4 hours. I didnt feel contractions but things were happening. I was taken immediately down to labour & delivery given an epidural and magnesium shots for the babies brain development. I told everyone it wasn't happening, that babies weren't actually coming yet. No one believed me until 24 hours later they stop and here I am back in my antenatal room keeping them in!
I've been admitted to the childrens hospital due to pre term labour and I'm going to document my stay and every step along the way. At 24 weeks I had an ultrasound done only to find out my cervix shortened to 1.4cm from 5cm. Had a follow up ultrasound with my high risk doctor and my cervix is now 0.6cm with funneling. I really hope babies can stay in 6+ weeks but who knows. Did you check out my live stream pregnancy test?! You'll find my 12 week twins ultrasound in that video. It's crazy to think i already have 9 lbs of babies in my tummy. I love comparing my belly each week. I hope you follow this journey!
This week I share with you my 33 week preterm labour birth vlog. At 33 weeks 1 day I had my twins they are boy/girl di/di twins. they are the cutest and tiniest little loves of my life. They needed barely any help just a feeding tube! it's incredible how well they're doing for their age! I share with you my belly post partum day 1 after birth, day 2 and day 3. I hope you enjoy my day in the life as a nicu mom for a bit as well.
I'll be home in no time, either still pregnant or with 2 new additions to our family.
Hope you enjoy watching enough to subscribe!
TWIN 33 WEEK PRETERM LABOUR BIRTH VLOG | Postpartum Belly & Life In NICU | ReasonsToSmile Vlog
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Overseas by Vlad Gluschenko https://soundcloud.com/vgl9
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Baby vlogs, parents, mommy vlogs, dad, mom, mom vlogging, family vloggers, family fun, beauty vlogger
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