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Wayne Goss Brush No. 10 World Wide Delivery! http://www.beautylish.com/s/wayne-goss-brush-10
This tip builds upon the last tip about using oil in your foundation. This is a hame changer. What we want is gorgeous skin not painted to filth. Skin that glows. Skin that looks real. Skin with dimension. Not stripes all over the face so thick that you need a pound of makeup to cover them. This is real beauty. This is beauty how i see it. This is the way to contour and highlight so that no one knows why you're glowing.
Tip three will be available next week which will show you an amazing way to reduce oil, stop your foundation changing colour and powder you skin so it looks like nothing is on :)
NOTE: This tutorial is exaggerated for effect and i do not recommend you use this amount. Though it can still look like skin, its really not necessary.
NOTE 2: Women of colour will tend to highlight more than contour and women with lighter skins will tend to contour more than highlight.
If you read all this please thumbs up :) and if you really want to make me happy - please share on twitter, Facebook etc... thank you x
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Mar 18, 2015
Tonny R.
Well said Andraya G.!! This person is notoriously ignorant and I am almost sure that she does not even know how to put makeup on, even on herself. She must have a really miserable life when trying to diminish successful people like that... Hope she finds happiness so she can stop spilling her bitterness over everyone.
Mar 18, 2015
Andraya G.
What a rude comment! You can't even spell the word "contour" correctly. He specified that he was exaggerating the look to show everyone how to do it and the end result was beautiful even with using the amount of makeup he did. Mr. Goss is a well loved professional makeup artist and he's absolutely amazing. I never comment on videos but I want to defend Wayne because this is such an ignorant comment.
Mar 18, 2015
Sabrina C.
You do not know what you're doing that is a very ugly Contor you shouldn't have a video.
Mar 18, 2015
Sabrina C.
I'm sorry but that looks horrible you do not know how to consular.