5 Days In My Work Wardrobe | WandesWorld
- Added Feb 27, 2015
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I'm a girly girl, with an unhealthy obsession with makeup and hot with a fever for the latest fashion fixes. I am always on the hunt to find try out new trends, allowing me to indulge in my favourite hobby, shopping.
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I'm a girly girl, with an unhealthy obsession with makeup and hot with a fever for the latest fashion fixes. I am always on the hunt to find try out new trends, allowing me to indulge in my favourite hobby, shopping.
Outfit 1
Hat~ http://bit.ly/1zLWlVS
Top~ http://bit.ly/1wsM4lF
Jeans~ http://bit.ly/1Ad6EkK
Cardigan ~ http://bit.ly/1vDy7R7
Outfit 2 (Blog Posts ~ http://bit.ly/ASOSSheerShirt)
Shirt ~ http://bit.ly/1FzY8RA
Leather Skirt ~ http://bit.ly/1ar6rpx
Calvin Klein Tights ~ http://bit.ly/1FzZ1cJ
Shoes ~ (similar) http://bit.ly/1zM0w3V
Outfit 3
Blouse ~ http://bit.ly/1arfS8l
Tweed Short ~ (similar) http://bit.ly/18rax01
Calvin Klein Tights ~ http://bit.ly/1FzZ1cJ
Shoes ~ http://bit.ly/1zM0w3V
Outfit 4
Forest Green Dress ~ (similar) http://bit.ly/1FAawRo // http://bit.ly/1Adkunp
Calvin Klein Tights ~ http://bit.ly/1FzZ1cJ
Shoes ~ http://bit.ly/1zM0w3V
Outfit 5
Shirt ~ http://bit.ly/1FAbMUA
Leather Skirt ~ http://bit.ly/1DftuKH
Heels ~ http://bit.ly/1zM0w3V
Thank you so much for watching my videos darlings, I really appreciate your support!!
Lips ~ http://bit.ly/1AdobJv
Blouse ~ http://bit.ly/1zM9I8G
Nails ~ Shellac ~ http://fave.co/1DfuI8X
In case you missed it my recent videos are:
My most popular videos are:
My bleaching story: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=opAhjNtT6vc
Vlog: Britpopprincess Wedding: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f8LIm9wIA8U
My embarrasing fish pedicure: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NVFnYVMzV28
I'm Social, just look below:
B L O G ~ http://www.wandesworld.com -- FOLLOW MY BLOG!!
T W I T T E R ~ http://www.twitter.com/wandesworld - FOLLOW ME!!
F A C E B O O K ~ http://www.facebook.com/wandesworldgirl - ADD ME!!
P I N T E R E S T ~ http://pinterest.com/wandesworld - FOLLOW ME!!
T U M B L R ~ http://wandesworld.tumblr.com - FOLLOW ME!!
F O R M S P R I N G ~ http://www.formspring.me/wandesworld - ASK ME ANYTHING!!
I N S T A G R A M ~ http://statigr.am/wandesworld -- FOLLOW ME!!
Got a question? Email me wandesworld@hotmail.com
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