Exotic Girl VH : Kinky Curly Peruvian Natural Hair Clip Ins | Unboxing
- Added Jun 16, 2014
To ensure your order arrives in time for Christmas, be sure to place your order before the shipping deadlines below. We recommend placing your order as soon as possible in case of unforeseeable delays.
Thursday, December 19th by noon PST* |
*If your order includes a hazmat item, the order must be shipped via Standard Shipping. Please allow additional time for delivery.
Tuesday, December 10th by noon PST |
Please contact Customer Service if you have any questions regarding order delivery timeframes.
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1-877-992-5474 Available Now
Monday - Friday
7 AM – 4 PM PT
7 AM – 4 PM PT
Link To Check out hair: http://www.exoticgirlvh.com/product/kinky-curly
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Link To Check out hair: http://www.exoticgirlvh.com/product/kinky-curly
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