Quickie Review: e.l.f. Small Stipple Brush & Shadow Shield
- Added Nov 21, 2013
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e.l.f. Studio Small Stipple Brush: http://www.eyeslipsface.com/studio/tools/single-brushes/small_stipple_brush
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e.l.f. Studio Small Stipple Brush: http://www.eyeslipsface.com/studio/tools/single-brushes/small_stipple_brush
e.l.f. Studio Mascara & Shadow Shield: http://www.eyeslipsface.com/studio/eyes/tools/mascara_and_shadow_shield
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FTC Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with any company or brand. I'm a stay-at-home homeschooling mom who makes these videos as a hobby/free therapy. In other words, nobody pays me to do anything. ;D
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