24 Weeks Pregnant Belly & BumpDate | Caitlyn Kreklewich
- Added Nov 14, 2017
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Well hello there everyone. Today is my Maternity Monday video for 23 weeks! Well, lets be real here I have been so exhausted and sleeping so much I just havent been able to film. But after a long wait here it is. This is my 24 weeks pregnant BumpDate & Belly video. I talk about my body, the changes ive noticed, the baby size and growth, whats happening in my body, and whats to come this week. Baby is pretty developed in the organs department he now now just packing on the pounds, and his bones are hardening. GROW BABY GROW! Seeing as how it's now 1.5 pounds and the size of a large zucini or a barbie doll it can't hide that well anymore from momma and papa. As for my 24 week pregnant belly, it just looks like a little pudge. Nothing huge and havent " Poped " yet. I have a Genstational Diabetes Test coming up and a Growth ultrasound because my belly measured a month ahead. So my doctor wants to see if I have a big baby or maybe he is just long and laying weird. I hope you enjoyed this new segment of Maternight Mondays, If I missed anything or you want to know more about something comments it below and I'll talk about it next week or reply to your question. 24 Weeks Pregnant Belly & BumpDate | Caitlyn Kreklewich
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