My Husband Was in a Car Wreck November 9, 2016
- Added Nov 11, 2016
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Yesterday Rob was in a bad car wreck and totaled his jeep.. Also, I look like crap so ignore that! I didn't start filming this until a few hours after he wrecked. His accident happened around 8, and I started filming about lunch time. It happened about two minutes from our house while he was on his way home from taking the kids to school. The officer that came to the scene actually brought him home and then I drove him to the hospital since the hospital he had to go to was in Nashville.
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Yesterday Rob was in a bad car wreck and totaled his jeep.. Also, I look like crap so ignore that! I didn't start filming this until a few hours after he wrecked. His accident happened around 8, and I started filming about lunch time. It happened about two minutes from our house while he was on his way home from taking the kids to school. The officer that came to the scene actually brought him home and then I drove him to the hospital since the hospital he had to go to was in Nashville.
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FTC: This was definitely not sponsored!!
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