Sign a CONTRACT with yourself - THE FOUR AGREEMENTS - Day 17 "TYLA" Challenge
- Added May 21, 2017
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Sign a CONTRACT with yourself!
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Sign a CONTRACT with yourself!
Self therapy :)
Day 17 "Turn Your Life Around" Challenge
Today we will be making some agreements with ourselves :)
Four agreements:
the concept is: Right now you are in a dream. Your own personal dream and you also partake in a bigger dream, that of this planet. the one all the humans created, humans that lived in the past and passed it on and kept modifying it throughout generations creating what we call a society… governed by rules, religions, cultures, laws, guides on what’s acceptable and what is not, what we are taught in schools, how were supposed to think, behave and so on. We introduce our children into these rules and beliefs in process that Don refers to as the domestication of humans. We can brainwashed and programmed.
And we adjust our personal dream, our viewpoint to that overall planet one. And sometimes we are living a nightmare, when we could be dreaming a nicer dream if only we knew how.
We all make agreements with ourselves, and other people, other people like family, friends, bosses, society. The most important ones are those with ourselves. Some agreements make us suffer and fail int life. Many came from fear, anxiety, fear of rejection.
so to be joyful and fulfilled we must break the fear based agreements and make new ones that can help us be fulfilled
so he has 4 agreements that can help you transform your life to a more joyful and fulfilling one. So that we can change that dream and make it a good one. And so we can know what we stand for, and not let the society dream affect us, manipulate us and distort our reality.
These agreements are:
- Be impeccable with your word
- Don’t take anything personally
- Don’t make assumptions
- Always Do Your Best
I recommend this book for anyone who lives in anxiety, even social anxiety, when you are unsure of yourself, of who you are, what you stand of, of how you see the world. if you feel a little lost lets say, when you feel like a pushover, when you get criticism get you, when you believe in other peoples opinions of you over your own. when you fall into peer pressure, or have ten different masks for different situations and people in your life. It can help you build a base for yourself, a foundation, become stronger as a person, It can help you gain confidence in yourself and deal with the problems, world, other people. Its a great guide on life. I actually carry a mini version with me wherever I go.
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The four agreements:
Bd Productions
David Cutter
Canon 80d
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