31 Days of Halloween: Silk from Spiderman Body Paint Tutorial (NoBlandMakeup)
- Added Oct 9, 2015
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So my consecutive 31 Days plan is in the toilet, but I did say I would do 31 videos this month so I'm going to try my hardest to do them. What happened? I didn't prerecord the right stuff, and I got sick. I'm actually still a little bit sick, but c'est la vie. I'm going to try to do two videos for the next few days to get caught up. We'll see how well that works out, but I did promise 31 videos, so I'm going to try my hardest to get it done :D
So why, of all the characters from Spiderman, did I pick Silk? Because I liked her costume... yes sometimes the answer is that simple lol.
I did some research on her character and her story is pretty cool. Peter Parker wasn't the only one bitten by a spider that fateful day! Cindy Moon was also bitten by a spider, but unlike Peter, she didn't have such great control over her new powers... actually she sucked at it. Eventually, Ezekiel, a business man with animal based powers (This seems to be a theme doesn't it?) took her to a special facility where she could train and learn to control her powers. Seems easy enough right? Wrong...
Apparently some dude named Morlun and his family are after spider-human mutants... That's an oddly specific fetish if you ask me, but to each his own. Fast forward 13 years, after lots of training and finding out some crazy dude is after you, Spiderman comes on the scene. He find out about Cindy using the Watcher's Eye (which to me sounds like some kind of peeping Tom device) and rushes to save her. Keep in mind that she's been locked ina room for her safety for 7 years. She wasn't too happy to see Spiderman. Well Spidey, the master of words he is, eventually calms her down by telling her that Morlun is dead. She's super happy; which let's be real, if you were locked in a room for 7 years, you'd be pretty happy too.
So she goes around the city in the usual I-just-got-set-free-because-my-crazy-would-be-murder-is-dead kind of way- after she makes her costume out of her webbing and tells Spiderman to call her Silk- and eventually asks how he died. Well, Spiderman kind of drops the ball with that one when he says that he's killed Morlun twice... Dude doesn't die. Needless to say this pisses off Cindy... alot. So back to violence! Except this time, both their libidos get involoved and they start making out... apparently trying to take someones mask off is a boner kill though.
On the bright side, Silk and Spidey get along now! Silk even helped Spiderman's identity stay hidden when Black Cat decided she was going to unmask him on live television!
Well that was a little bit on Silk for you guys! I hope you like the video, and don't forget to subscribe to my channel for updates on my next videos!
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