Daily Hayley | My 21st Birthday Week
- Added Oct 11, 2016
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Some of the happenings of the week of my 21st birthday! My first legal drink in the States, The Meadows Music Festival where Kanye cut his performance short, my birthday dinner, and more. Thank you all for the happy birthday wishes!
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Some of the happenings of the week of my 21st birthday! My first legal drink in the States, The Meadows Music Festival where Kanye cut his performance short, my birthday dinner, and more. Thank you all for the happy birthday wishes!
My birthday dress from PromGirl:
Sugarpill Kimchi Lipstick (sold out currently):
H A Y L E Y ' S L I N K S :
♥ Email (for business inquiries only): hayleyistcb@gmail.com
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♥ How I earn cash back shopping online: https://www.ebates.com/r/HAYLEY1146?e...
My name is Hayley Segar, and I'm currently 20 years old. I'm a full-time college student studying English at the University of Connecticut, working as a Social Media Manager and Stylist at a bridal salon...all while making YouTube videos, of course! Thanks for stopping by to watch my balancing act :) I have been on YouTube for nearly 8 years, talking about all of the awesome deals that I score secondhand shopping in my hauls + consignment videos, sharing my Disney World obsession in my Disney series, giving a glimpse of my life in my Daily Hayleys, and making (honest) beauty videos. As always, thank you so much for watching, please comment and subscribe!
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