Extreme Couponing For Cosmetics!
- Added Jun 10, 2015
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So basically I took a trip to CVS drugstore and saved a ton of money on Cover Girl products. Watch my video to see how I extreme couponed to get these deals! =)
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So basically I took a trip to CVS drugstore and saved a ton of money on Cover Girl products. Watch my video to see how I extreme couponed to get these deals! =)
I-Candy Couture: http://i-candycouture.com
Online Avon/Mark Shop: http://youravon.com/dawnsantamarina - Free shipping on all orders over $30!
Lime Crime Cosmetics: http://www.limecrimemakeup.com/idevaffiliate/idevaffiliate.php?id=976
Haute Look: http://www.hautelook.com/short/1rk14
Sigma Brushes: http://www.sigmabeauty.com/?Click=170192
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