How much should I get cut off?


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Apr 17, 2014

Zoey A.

Uuugghhhhfffjfjfgfjxaaaaks I LOVE YOUR HAIR

Apr 17, 2014

Zoey A.

I'd say grow it out, you always have more options with longer hair, and I personally always regret cutting my own hair. :*

Apr 17, 2014

Maddie W.

I agree with zoey. Longer hair you can do more with and if you want it cut just cut off the dead ends, but do whatever you think is right for you:)

Apr 17, 2014

Lindsay H.

I would grow it out because there's so many. Things you can do with longer hair and even though short hair is totally adorable your limited to what you can do
and then if you want to grow it out it takes for ever and then there's that awkward hair length that is hard to do hair styles with:/

But you could always grow it out and get different layers and stuff :)

Apr 17, 2014

Cami F.

Cut it please! Spring is a perfect time for something totally fresh and new. Short hair is super in right now as well. I have long curly hair and I'm getting mine chopped off within the next two weeks. Let's twin! Besides, if you hate it, it will always grow back 😉

Apr 17, 2014

Lindsay H.

Actually since you don't like layers get it cut where your layers are so then you can grow it out straight

Because there's always time to grow it out:) you only live once right?

Apr 17, 2014

Lori T.

I agree with Megan H. on the collarbone length, last pic would look great on you with your beauty curls.

Apr 17, 2014

Leslie D.

I swear your so gorgeous! I think short would look awesome :))

Apr 17, 2014

Zoey A.

I'm sold! It's going to look so good on a dime like you, guuuurrrlllll. :*

Apr 17, 2014

Zoey A.

Oohhh, I love that on you. Yeah, I'd go an inch or two shorter than that!

Apr 17, 2014

Fatima V.

Yea you should cut it like that^^ it looks good(:

Apr 17, 2014

Roz X.

You look so beautiful!! I say let it grow. :)

Apr 17, 2014

Demi M.

I really like how it looks in the first picture :) like the length

Apr 17, 2014

Paulina E.

Wow you're so gorgeous! Imagine with short hair omggg![][] definetely get it jacqlyn(:

Apr 17, 2014

Janae H.


Apr 17, 2014

Sara K.

Don't cut it!

Apr 17, 2014

Maggie W.

I love your old bangs but if you don't like them grow your hair out and get layers.

Apr 17, 2014

Lara C.

I like the length but a long layered bob would look cute esp with curly hair!!

Apr 17, 2014

Kathy K.

leave it long

Apr 17, 2014

Cece H.

I live the length you have you look beautiful as always I would add a few layers to bulk it up and make more texture but other than that keep growing, it's just soo nice.

Apr 17, 2014

Marie R.

I say yes! I mean it's just hair. It'll grow back eventually..😉😉