* Anyone here have/tried the PMD?


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Dec 4, 2012

Sara S.

Let me know if you have. If so, what is your skin type?

I am asking only because I own it. I am on anti-biotics and retinal. I was looking through my little book on it and it said do not use this if you are prescriptions for skin. Well I tried it and it worked great, but I think because I used the bare minerals (New Cover Up..not the loose minearls) It was the Foundation in a compact. Its new, i think that really made my skin sorta.....blemishy. Which sucks major balls because I have some scars now. GRRR Let me know.

p.s- I LOVE THIS SITE. It is a great way to talk to other beauty freaks such as myself and get other thoughts instead of bugging my boyfriend who knows nothing about the beauty world. lol

Dec 5, 2012

Sara S.

lol. Why???? 

Dec 5, 2012

Sara S.

oh the boyfriend part? hahaha