Hair gets greasy within a day.


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Apr 18, 2014

Catherine C.

My hair gets oily super fast. Would you suggest washing it everyday still?

Apr 18, 2014

Shaily K.

No! It's probably greasy because it's been over washed and your scalp is dry! Try waiting two days or even three between washes and with time it should adjust :)

Apr 18, 2014

Karen S.

That's probably why it's getting greasy, if your washing your hair everyday you're stripping away it's natural oils & making it become dry, so your body produces more oil to keep your hair hydrated & that's why your hair gets oily, wash your hair every other day, & try using shampoo only on your roots & conditioner on your tips :)

Apr 18, 2014

Maybelle R.

Try to use baby powder...I just did that!! It worked perfectly!!