Nose piercing? 💭


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Apr 17, 2014

Noemie C.

I'm seriously thinking about getting a ring nose piercing. I just love it but I don't know if it would suit me!
What do you think? And also does it hurt? Is the healing process long or painful?
Thanks lovelies 💗

Apr 17, 2014

Noemie C.

Okay! Thank you very much :)

Apr 17, 2014

Noemie C.

Thanks Amanda :)

Apr 17, 2014

Jennifer G.

I think you would rock it! When I got mine done it did hurt, butttt I did mine myself.. So I don't know what it'll be like getting it professionally. Mine didn't really bleed either, but I know sometimes it can bleed a lot. It didn't take very long for mine to heal just make sure to clean it regularly. Just be super careful with your nose stud if you wear a stud and not a hoop, cause when they rip out, it hurts soooooo bad lol! I've lost so many nose studs that way.

Apr 17, 2014

Noemie C.

Alright thanks Renay ☺️!
Well I think I'll get it done aha

Apr 17, 2014

Noemie C.

OMG you did your nose piercing yourself! Wow!
Okay thanks for the advice :) I won't forget that aha

Apr 17, 2014

Whitney S.

I got one done almost 3 years ago. And it hurt a lot but it was just the quick second. Where I got it done they did it with a needle and I had to wear a hoop for a few months. Then I had a stud for a year or so and wanted to change the small for something smaller. I had huge difficulties trying to get the other stud in I ended up just giving up and I went to the place I got it done at so they could put the stud in for me... The pericing closed a little so they had to re peirce it. And oh my god. I've never felt anything so painful in my life!! It hurt like a you know what and it was bleeding. I had my new stud in but it was sore for a few days..

I ended up taking the stud out so the piercing can just heal up because I've gotten bored of it and now I have a scar.

Hopefully nothing like this happens if you get it done. It probably doesn't happen to many people :p just be careful with it, and follow the professionals instructions on how to take care of it.

Apr 17, 2014

Allison S.

Yes get it!! I LOVE mine. I don't have a ring I have a stud and I've had it for 6 years. it didnt hurt at all when I got it done but after a couple months I took it out for a few minutes for some reason and I tried getting it back in but I couldnt! so I got it re pierced the next day and THAT hurt bad because the needle went a little but in and then had to push the rest of the way through. not fun. but I learned my lesson and did not take it out for a long time lol. but anyways point of the story is, if you get one, make sure to let it fully heal for a while before you start taking it out and putting new jewelry in (:

Apr 17, 2014

Venus S.

Yes You should get it but get The Tiny ring

Apr 17, 2014

Fizza D.

OMG, it'd look amazing! It looks absolutely wonderful on you! People told me it wouldn't look good on me but after I got it, everyone loved it and started bandwagoning and getting it too!
It's not THAT painful. A blood test hurts MUCH MUCH MUCH more! Don't get a ring get a stud, I think it'd look nicer!
The healing process is complicated. You have to soak your nose in salt water solution and it's annoying too! It healed right up!
Get it you'll look wonderful!
Speaking from experience :)

Apr 17, 2014

Noemie C.

Aww thanks lovelies <3 <3 <3 well I'm definitely getting ASAP :D

Apr 17, 2014

Miranda H.

Get one! It would look so cute on you!!

Apr 17, 2014

Kira-louise S.

Depends from person to person to if it hurts or bleeds. Mine didn't hurt at all got mine done with a needle but whenever I have piercings I bleed hell of a lot (I could fill a cup lets just say) but aslong as you clean and don't fiddle with it heeling process will be quicker. The place you go will tell you what you should and shouldn't do.

Apr 17, 2014

Deanna M.

The first time I got it pierced with a gun, it didn't hurt at all. The second time I got it pierced with a needle I got teary in the eye on that side. It hurt so bad I can still remember lol. And yessss you should definitely get a nose piercing with that cute face!

Apr 17, 2014

Jamie D.

I think it would definitely suit you! I've never had one done though, so I don't know about the pain. 💋