Hair for Music Vid.


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Apr 11, 2014

Elizabeth D.

Tomorrow, I am doing a music video for an a capella cover of The Cab's "Bad". Of you haven't already heard the song, please do, it's pretty amazing.
I don't know how to do my hair or makeup for the video.
Here's what is happening:
In the beginning, I'm a cute, do-gooder, na?ve girl.
For the outfit, I'm wearing a floral skirt and a pastel pink shirt. I need help with a hairstyle and makeup.
In the second half, I transition from all innocent to streetwise chick.
I'm wearing a grey shirt with torn jeans and a teal denim material jacket. I have no idea hoe to do makeup that shows a punkish, but still feminine girl. Also, what should I do for my hair? My hair forms a "V" and reaches the small of my back. I also have side bangs.
Thanks, and pictures are much appreciated!

Apr 11, 2014

Elizabeth D.

Yeah, we're filming it all tomorrow, but I'll have time to change looks. :-) And thanks, I love the dark purple look!

Apr 11, 2014

Elizabeth D.


Apr 12, 2014

Maddie M.

(This is unhelpful) But I love The Cab and would love to see the final video!! c: