Desperate for Help: Hair Fall?


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May 1, 2014

Emily W.

Hey Beautylish,

I am desperately seeking your help! I am tired of dealing with my excessive shedding! I counted today: of the ones I actually saw, I lost over 150 hairs! They aren't breaking, I don't have split ends, and my hair isn't thinning at all. I can't figure this out! I have to wear my hair in a ponytail, or else I get absolutely COATED in hair (the ponytail helps a little).

I have normal blood results and no thyroid or nutritional issues. I don't style my hair, I don't use heat at all, and my hair is naturally straight and undyed. I wash it twice a week. I've tried different shampoos to no avail. Even the girl who cuts my hair is baffled. It isn't breakage, it is actually coming out at the root. I am so tired of wearing a ponytail 24/7! Anyone have any ideas??

May 1, 2014

Emily W.

I just want to reiterate: my hair is not thinning at all. I lose a ton every day, but there is still a ton actually on my head. It is baffling.

May 1, 2014

Sabrina K.

Hi Emily, that doesn't sound good, but you know some people just shed more hair when we enter summer, just like animals that shed their winter coats :) I might just be that! I would suggest you try to take silica it has minimized my hair fall :)

May 1, 2014

Alecia J.

I feel ya pain sister. My hair sheds a lot too but it never seems to get thinner, I don't think it's really a problem although I know it gets really annoying, I'd love to hear some advice on this too.

May 1, 2014

Ivette H.

Emily I'm on that same boat, I have gone to the dr so many times, I have tried vitamins and different shampoos,my hairstyle for the past few months has been a bun. Really wish I can help but I also need advice.

May 1, 2014

Lorna G.

I am feeling your pain. I've tried everything but not the blood bit. Does blood count for hair loss? I know I genetically have a blood disorder where my blood is thicker And stickier? Just wondering how blood has to do with hair loss. I might need to see somebody.

May 1, 2014

M G.

Dam I have the same problem and it increased after I had my girls. I wonder wht the fk.

May 1, 2014

Alyx T.

150 hairs is actually very common, everybody loses 100-200 hairs on average each day. Because you put your hair in a ponytail, you might be experiencing it all at once when you take a shower or take the ponytail out. I know when I have my hair in a bun all day, when I take it out a lot of hair falls. Some people just lose a lot of hair, but because it's not thinning out, you're not doing anything wrong. My sister sheds like crazy. Every time she'll clean out the hair in a brush, she'll use it and it's back looking like someone brushed their hair 50 times. Her hair is literally everywhere in the house. But it's always been like this and she's healthy.

Honestly there's not much to do, but there are a few tips. Like don't wear your hair tightly in a ponytail, if you want the ponytail so you're not picking up your hair all day then make sure it's loose. Also, don't put any product at your root. I notice when my sister has mousse in her hair she has more fall out all at once. I think it's because it makes it heavier.
I wish I could help more, but unfortunately unless someone else has tips, I don't think there's much you can do.

May 1, 2014

Drishya B.

Hair fall can be due to a number of reasons. it can be caused by stress, I kno you checked your thyroid but it could be some other hormonal imbalance or some deficiency. regular blood test do not check everythng. have you checked for B12 deficiency? Lorna all the nutrients in your body is supplied by the blood. The last place that essential vitamins and minerals go to is skin and hair. that's y when thrs some imbalance it shows up on the skin and hair. example if the haemoglobin levels are low you get dark circles and hairfall.

May 1, 2014

Emily W.

Drishya: I've been tested for pretty much everything (I have syncope and vertigo that they are trying to find the cause), including all deficiencies, blood disorders, thyroid disorders, hormonal problems, rare diseases and genetic anomalies... My only issues (besides the syncope/vertigo) are asthma and I have had skin cancer twice. I'm actually waiting on biopsy results to find out if I have melanoma this time. Beautylish is my distraction at the moment keeping me from panicking.

Sabrina: I lose hair in every season, unfortunately. I am not able to take any vitamins or supplements as I have blood drawn regularly, but thank you for the suggestion.

Alecia, Ivette, Lorna, M G: This sucks right?? Ugh sorry you are dealing with it too.

Alyx: I can't leave my hair down, I get completely covered in hair. I mean can't-even-see-the-back-of-my-shirt covered. I can kill a lint roller in seconds. It is driving everyone crazy. I get so itchy from all of the loose hair that I break out in hives. I don't use any products, so that isn't it. Hmm. Thanks for the help!

There's got to be some way to lessen the loss. What about a shorter hair cut? My hair is at or a little past my shoulder blades, would cutting it to my shoulders make a difference?

May 1, 2014

Diana T.

I find that I shed a lot too - it could just be stress girl - and honestly I think it normal for certain women to "shed" their hair I shed quite a bit every day and so do all the female roomies I've ever had - and we all still have full heads of hair I think it's just part of being a woman n something we all deal with every time we wash our hair - maybe it's because we are a bit rough on it when we wash it or something I'm not sure but I wouldn't get too upset about it I think it's normal :T.

May 1, 2014

Diana T.

I think it's fine to shed as long as your hair isn't falling out in chunks n leaving bald spots then I think it's fine - cutting it might help since the weight could be the issue

May 2, 2014

Jordan D.

How often do you brush your hair? If I plan on wearing my hair in its newly found natural state I can't brush it or else it's a frizzy mess, so I'll go like 2 days without brushing it out so I can rock the curly/wave, when I do brush it out I have to empty the brush out when I'm only half done. My boyfriend complains that I shed more then my long haired chihuahua lol.

May 2, 2014

Emily W.

Jordan: I usually only brush my hair twice a day (once when I get up in the morning, and once in the evening before bed). If I try and go without brushing mine tangles into a giant rat's nest. I have straight hair though.

May 2, 2014

Michaela Z.

Try not to brush your hair when it's wet as this can apparently cause breakage

Jun 17, 2014

Sarva C.

@Sabrina K.

Does usage of silica won't causes  hair??