Leapord/cheetah print.. Please respond with your thoughts!


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Apr 30, 2014

Meckael I.

Okay so I use to wear cheetah /Leapord prong all the time and I loved it... This was a year ago though. Now... I don't like it... Stores with it never catches my eye, don't like nails with it..nothing I just think it's tacky now. So please , tell me.. Do you like cheetah /Leapord print? Or any animal skin designs? I don't like any now? Did you use to? And what are some things that you don't like now that you use to like(recently liked, like 1-2years ago) or things you just hate to see now or just don't like? Anything like that! Please respond I really wanna know what everybody has to say!

Apr 30, 2014

Meckael I.

Oh and what are you really into right now!?

Apr 30, 2014

Meckael I.


Apr 30, 2014

Meckael I.

I like uggs for like a month in a half just because they had bows lol , then got over it lol

Apr 30, 2014

Meckael I.

Yeah I love vans

Apr 30, 2014

Roz X.

All things in moderation. ;)

Apr 30, 2014

Meckael I.

I think they start lookin like shit when they start wearing out, like the bottoms starts look weird or something? And why they hell people wear them in the summer they got damn fur on the inside if be burning tf up.

Apr 30, 2014

Meckael I.

Just my opinion lol

Apr 30, 2014

Meckael I.


Apr 30, 2014

Allison S.

Omg I used to love leopard print and then I got sick of it too! I love leggings and skinny pants and bright colors and everything pink(: I've recently been really into crossbody bags too. I hate the pointy claw nails I know everyone loves them but I just can't 😩

Apr 30, 2014

Taylor G.

I go through phases with everything lol.

Apr 30, 2014

Meckael I.

Allison I've seriously been into anything colorful lately! And I don't really know what to think on the claws lol😝

Apr 30, 2014

Meckael I.

Honestly I think uggs are just a big waste if money 😝

Apr 30, 2014

Taylor G.

Renay I like to give everything a chance lol

Apr 30, 2014

Alexa W.

I love uggs🙈😂 but I'd never wear them in the summer..that's super tacky.
But right now I love love love combat boots & tall riding boots.& I love skinny jeans of all colors! Skinny jeans will forever be my favorite!
& I agree with the nail/claws..I can't stand them😁 not trying to sound rude but it looks tacky to me, but hey if you like it who am I to judge?

Apr 30, 2014

Jess C.

I've never really liked animal print stuff in my opinion lol one of my best friends tho is obsessed with anything zebra print she loves it lol! I don't mind zebra print as a bedding but not as outfits lol. I've been obsessed lately with colorful lipstick , high waisted stuff especially skirts :) and am in love with layering shirts right now :) lol

Apr 30, 2014

Stephanie S.

I like leopard print and I think some girls can pull it off, but I have never worn it. I also dislike uggs all year round haha. Idk I just think they are ugly. I have just been into jeggings because they are way more comfy then skinny jeans to me. I also love high waisted maxi skirts they are really comfy and cute.

Apr 30, 2014

Bailey G.

I only go for animal prints if it's done in a classy way. Like a sleeveless print top with a pencil skirt, or a pair of leopard print heels to jazz up an LBD. Using it as an accent, such as in a belt, is okay too. It gets bad when it's jus too much all over the place. The only animal print thing I own is a zebra print Snuggie 😂

Apr 30, 2014

Ili R.

I like animal print. not obsessed with it though lol and I do think it's just a trend at the moment. ten years from now it'll be old fashioned lol just like giant bell bottoms remind us of the 70s or Jerry curls remind us of the 80s and 90s, animal print will remind us of this era. and you're probably just sick of seeing it so much you no longer like it which is totally fine. :) and besides it's been around for a while now. it's getting old.

but yes. I agree with the girls. I've never owed a pair of uggs. they're just ugly to me. I also don't like those weird shaped wedges. I don't know what they're called. I do love how gold is in again. and everything colorful :)

Apr 30, 2014

Andrea M.

Used to & still love cheetah print. its just super sassy to me. & I love uggs. super comfy & warm (: since tights and yoga pants are all I can wear right now, uggs are the best.

Apr 30, 2014

Roxana B.

I think nice leopard print spandex and a black tshirt with uggs or moccasins goes great

Apr 30, 2014

Z M.

Ew I hate animal print clothing it's so tacky unless worn nicely. I do have a nice tight cheetah pencil skirt that I wear to wear with a nice blouse and blazer other than that most people dress very tacky looking when wearing animal prints and that's just not my style😖

Apr 30, 2014

Z M.

Wear to work* lol.

Apr 30, 2014

Monique R.

I've been in love with animal print since 9th grade. I'm now 22. :) lol. I think depending on the style it can be cute. For surely it should only be worn in moderation. And it can definitely get tacky QUICK. really I think like anything else it just depends on how it's styled. Nowadays I do see more tacky animal print stuff than cute stuff.

Apr 30, 2014

Roz X.

I have an awesome pair of snow leopard capris. When I wear them, I channel Peg Bundy. Oh, Al! <3.