Please help! (lip care)


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Apr 29, 2014

Bra S.

Hello girls! I was wondering do you use any labello lipsticks? I use them all the time (let's say beside of that I am using two more balsams).
But my lips always break, and it really hurts. My friend once said that she doesn't use labello and she thinks the more you put it on, your lips are worse and they need it more and more. Ugh, I really don't want to believe in that.

So, it would help me a lot if you can give me your opinion about labello's. And also if you have any other product that will help me more than this one, please tell me!

Apr 29, 2014

Simmie K.

I need help 2, my lips always get dry wen I put lipstick on.

Apr 29, 2014

Bra S.


Apr 29, 2014

Blerta B.

Before I used labello with strawberry and now I use labello with camomile and calendula, this one is better for me. Try this one with camomile maybe is better for you too.

Apr 29, 2014

Alyx T.

I don't use them, but to get rid of the cracked lips, mix olive oil or edible coconut oil with some sugar (I prefer brown sugar but either one will work) and use it as a lip scrub, you could buy a scrub but it's essentially the same thing. And apply a Vaseline and alcohol free balm on after, or even more coconut or olive oil. I do the scrub every morning that I want to wear lipstick and I let the oil sink in, then apply lipstick. :) I also apply oil every night.

Apr 29, 2014

Kay C.

When in need...I just scrub my lips with a wet towel while helps.

Apr 29, 2014

Darius L.

Get a toothbrush and wet it, scrub your lips for a few minutes (until they're red) dry them off, and use your favorite lip balm. This works for me all the time!

Apr 30, 2014

Jessica D.

I too have lip issues, and my favorite balms are Vaseline w/ cocoa butter lip balm, and a brand called Chicken Poop. The both mend my lips incredibly - especially the Vaseline overnight - and keep them in one piece :)

Apr 30, 2014

Jessica D.

*They both

Apr 30, 2014

Nadia B.

I suggest you to use a natural Shea butter lip balm, this going to hydrate your lip very deeply that you'll not need to put more and more. and also once a week you take brown sugar with Argan oil or olive oil you mix them and you gently scrub you lips like that you're going to remove all the dead and dry skin of your lips. A last tips!! before you sleep put a generous amount of Shea butter on your lips it help keeping them hydrated

May 1, 2014

Divanshi T.

Use carmex! You can use a lot and it will sink in and moisturise your lips! I've had a makeup artist use it on me before doing the rest of my makeup and by the time she had come to do my lips, my lips were soft and had completely soaked it all in!