Zero Personal Style


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Apr 14, 2014

Jo J.

Okay so I've agonised over post on here but I could really do with some help.
I'm nearly 38, a UK size 14 and completely devoid of any style! I've hit an age where I'm not young but not old, I'm not skinny but not fat and just everything looks odd on me.
I wear uniform for work (tunic and trousers/skirts) so don't have to think about my clothing for most of my week. I tend to stick to skinny jeans and jumpers/t-shirt at the weekend but I'd really love to wear more dresses. is there a website which helps you pull together or style an outfit? I seem to have a talent for making dresses look too formal or tarty, I feel like I'm having a mid-life style crisis!! add to this trying to embrace my natural curly and mad hair and you can imagine the outcome! any hints gratefully received.
many thanks x

Apr 14, 2014

Lisa A.

I would suggest going to different stores and trying stuff on rather then order, you have to figure out what suits your body well.

Apr 15, 2014

Maggie F.

I would honestly go to a kinda trendy but age appropriate store, find a cute outfit on display or a mannequin or whatever and mimic it. I don't know the stores in the UK so I'm no help there. I just look at Pinterest for ideas as well, pin them then find something similar in a store.

Apr 15, 2014

Jo J.

Thank you girls x