Eyelash growth?


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Dec 4, 2012

Rachel C.

What's the secret to growing longer, fuller lashes?

Dec 4, 2012

Jordan W.

Castor oil! :) just clean out an old tube of mascara and put the castor oil in and swipe it onto your lashes every night. :)

Dec 4, 2012

Saloni G.

vaseline, just put it in your eyelashes using a mascara tube or your hands and you'll see a difference overnight! :) 

Dec 4, 2012

Rachel C.

Thanks! So excited to try it out 

Dec 4, 2012

Samecia L.

Trying it today!!

Dec 4, 2012

Emilie L.

almay get up and grow mascara love the formula . look great great volume and after using a tube my lashes were longer ! 

Dec 4, 2012

Ann P.

Revlon lash serum. BAM!

Dec 5, 2012

Jessica N.

Put a layer of mascara? A layer if baby powder, and another layer of mascara. It doesn't make them grow but it makes them look longer!

Dec 5, 2012

Gabrielle N.


Dec 5, 2012

Nora W.

I am have been trying the castor oil thing recently, although I have to say I have not been consistent enough with it to say if it works for sure. I have been using Argan Oil as my night time moisturizer and I feel that since I have been using this all over my face at night my lashes look better. I have also been using coconut oil to remove my eye makeup, which works awesome and I think might be helping my lashes? Bottom line - any type of oil ( vaseline, castor etc. ) will moisturize lashes, especially if you leave it on overnight. I think of it like putting conditioner on your hair, you wouldn't wash your hair and skip conditioner (at least I wouldn't) so dont wash your face and forget to condition skin and lashes. 

Dec 5, 2012

Sheena R.

Castor oil for sure!