Noticeable Hair Extensions? Help Please!


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May 4, 2014

Claire K.

My hair is just a small bit past my shoulders, because I cut it short a few years ago and it grows so slow! I really regretted it and I wear extensions now when I go out at night, but I bought ones that are quite thin for my thick hair, so I always have to curl my hair! I want to straighten it for tonight but is there anyway I can make it look as I'm not wearing extensions? please help! :)

May 4, 2014

Beth I.

Make sure you evenly spread your extensions.. a lot of people have some left over, with mine I got a set of 8- so I had two 1s, two 2s, two 3s small and two 3s large and I only use the two single clips and then one of each of the others so maybe if you had any left over you could remove the clips and sew them up against their pair and it doubles them up in thickness and should thicken your hair out :) I've done that to loads of my friends extensions and it works so well! also make sure you have similar volume all over to try and even it out :) xx