When to throw foundation/makeup away??


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May 5, 2014

Meckael I.

If you haven't opened a foundation yet/or maybe one time just to try it out, do you still have to throw it out after a certain amount of time?
And when do you have to throw out any makeup ,mascara, blush anything?
And also why? What could happen?
My makeup usually last long , and I don't wanna throw away something that's rarely been used

May 5, 2014

Shaye M.

What Sandra said! :) I didn't know they had that sticker until now!

May 5, 2014

Alice H.

For expirations, I generally go with the "milk" method - as in, the same method I use to know if the milk is off. Texture/consistency, color, and smell. If your makeup starts to smell funky, toss it. If it changes color, toss it. If the texture or consistency of it changes, toss it. And, most importantly, if you think it's irritating any part of you (skin, eyes, etc), and it's rather old, toss it. Also, if you've had any illnesses that might infect a lipgloss or something like that, disinfect it and/or toss it - same goes with any eye infections and mascara.

May 5, 2014

Meckael I.

Thankyou everybody