Hair-Lightening without dying!


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May 3, 2014

Silvia O.

I lightened my hair mostly using natural hair masks (you can see the result in my pics). I wanted to give my hair an 'ombre' look :) There are lots of recipes on the internet but it will take you a looong time! Plus if your hair have been dyied already it will be even more difficult.

May 3, 2014

Symone B.

Use 40 vol developer. It's way less harsh than bleach. I've done this method many times and you can get to a light brown this way. It takes a bit longer to process so I suggest using heat. Also don't forget to use a neutralizing shampoo after and to deep condition

May 3, 2014

Olivia G.

I've heard lemon can slightly lighten hair, I'd look into that more though.

May 3, 2014

Silvia O.

Lemon can make your hair look really orange, actually, and it's also pretty damaging. I used honey a lot and loved it :) it's also really
good for your hair

May 3, 2014

Drishya B.

You can dye it with a box dye since you don't wanna go very light. get a light brown or dark blonde. since your hair is virgin it won't be a problem. Do not put only 40 vol in your hair. it will just lighten your hair. mite turn it orange. look for ammonia free colors if available. They are less damaging.