Dry Skin 😓


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May 8, 2014

Melissa T.

Hey ladies! when applying my makeup I prep my face with primer and apply my foundation and concealer with a beauty blender and spray some flix plus, I don't know why around my nose it gets sooo dry,flakey and starts cracking it looks horrible! someone please help lol! I need reccomendation on a very good moisturizer to apply before makeup! I do have some red patches as well! any help is appreciated!

May 8, 2014

Maria D.

Clinique dramatically different moisturizer is the best thing that happened to my life!

May 8, 2014

Stephanie S.

I agree with Triara. I use the CeraVe moisturizer and it is super hydratying. just make sure you let it sink into your skin for 5 minutes and then put on your moisturizer with spf.

May 8, 2014

Lisa S.

CeraVe Hydrating Cleanser and Moisturizing Lotion (also the Cream is really good too). Also it could be the primer and/or foundation you are using. I have really dry areas on my nose and sometimes before primer, I apply some Aquaphor Healing Ointment (Cvs generic brand works just as good) and that sometimes helps. And before priming skin, use a moisturizer if you don't already.

Is it dry, flaky, red and itchy? If so you may have what's called seborhic dermatitis.. It's very common and most people don't even know they have it it's basically dandruff of your skin from dry air and dehydration.. Etc I had it when I was pregnant and sometimes get it in the winter time when the air is driest and cold here.. What you can do to treat it (other than go to a dermatologist) is to buy some skin zinc (you can buy it at Walmart) this stuff saved my skin seriously- it's gentle and soothing for any skin condition really and is natural, I also used coconut oil to moisturize because it's a natural antibacterial and vitamin e - break open a capsule at night and put it on your blemishes (including any pimples) and wake up the next morning with seriously beautiful skin! I bathe my skin in this at night lol ;) you can do the skin zinc thing and see if it even helps it first before going to a dermatologist I know they can be pricey, but if it doesn't help I would deff recommend going to one- and I know as hard as this is to hear but keeping makeup off dry skin is best to clear it up the makeup will only dry your skin out more, esp if you don't take your makeup off after long periods of time! Also, try making a facial scrub with coconut oil and brown sugar- this is natural and eatable (I even use it on my little babes cheeks very gently ) and you can also use this as a lip scrub too- just make sure that it's more sugar than oil and that you do it when the oil is warmed for like 5 sec in the microwave first before you put the sugar in - you don't want the sugar to dissolve, so that the coconut oil will go back to a liquid- you can find YouTube tutorials on this too.. But it's very nice at scrubbing dead skin, and leaves a protective barrier of the oil on your skin- and is very affordable! Coconut oil is very good for manyy beauty things if you don't know what it is go get some right now! Lol it's amazing stuff! But anyways.. I would also recommend using a foundation for dry skin on the area & even buying a seperate foundation just for those areas that doesn't cake up a good one I've used is maybelines dream smooth mousse- the smooth one is for dry skin and it's one of the only foundations I could wear when my skin was dry and flaky that didn't look horrific :) hope this helps!! Xo.

May 8, 2014

Erica H.

This stuff works so good for getting moisture into the skin. I recently had my first baby and my skin has changed so much. It has been extremely dry even with moisturizer. I started using this and noticed a difference in my skin in about a week. Its smooth, clear, and no more dry patches. I love this cleansing oil.