Help please (back to school tomoz.


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Apr 27, 2014

Beth W.

Hi guys I am back at school tomoz and I need tips on how to do my makeup quick and how to egy ready quick with my hair and that, I always wash my hair the night before and any makeup looks would be great xx cheers girls.

Apr 27, 2014

Ariana L.

Hope you like it

Apr 27, 2014

Anna H.

I would suggest somethink like this... but I personally keep it more simple. Go eith a bb or cc crear, concelear, blush and an eye look or a simpler one, like your concelear all over your lid and mascara or a brown in your crease.. I don't know if you were meaning that, hope I'd helped you :)

Apr 27, 2014

Beth W.

Thank you xxx