To all you lovely girls.


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Apr 26, 2014

Drishya B.

Just want to let you girls know you are all gorgeous. just be confident with yourself. I read so any posts about you'll freaking out over a pimple or a bad hair day or a pic which you think is not looking nice. just want to let you know you are all beautiful. it's not the end of the world. I'm not trivialising your problem or anything like that, but just saying it's ok, happens to everyone and not to worry about it so much coz it'll all go away some day. We might be young old bald hairy wrinkly pimply fat skinny doeant matter. love yourself. You really are beautiful. don't beat yourself up over how you look.

Apr 26, 2014

Anissa J.

Omg that's the most beautiful I ever read you're all beautiful!

Apr 26, 2014

Emily M.

Bless your heart. (:

Apr 26, 2014

Kenzie L.

You're so kind :) much love.

Apr 26, 2014

Josii c.

This made my day (:

Apr 26, 2014

Isabel M.

Thank you! I couldn't agree more. Sometimes I just forget that I am beautiful in my own way, this is a good reminder! Thanx for that ❤️

Apr 26, 2014

Mhairi M.

So sweet, thankyou drishya for the beautiful words x

Apr 26, 2014

Emmalovery N.

Thank you! 😯❤

Apr 26, 2014

Bry R.

Ugh finally someone said it! With all this pressure and "beauty standards" we can lose our heads and forget we are human. Chill girls, the most beautiful thing about you are your flaws and imperfections. That's what makes us individuals. We don't want to become Barbies now lol.

Apr 26, 2014

Lyddie H.

Thank you! I really needed this today :)

Apr 26, 2014

Cat C.

Thank you :) I see what you're saying Jacqlyn, but the point of the thread to to appease any unsettling feeling girls may have about themselves. I rarely get acne on my face but my back, shoulders and chest are constantly breaking out. I have always been so insecure about that for years (since about 6th grade). However, that didn't stop me from joining my swim team, water polo team, or even wearing tank tops at music festivals. I still feel crappy about it but I can't image being held back by my insecurities. I would be a different person and I'm glad I moved past it. I was bullied too. Just being happy with yourself can do so much :)

Apr 26, 2014

Coralys V.

so beautiful <3

Apr 26, 2014

Miranda H.

Thank you so much I really needed this today!! I just was obssesing over how fat my face looked!! 😊

Apr 26, 2014

Bella L.

Omg I totally agree Jacqlyn sometime its just so hard to look in the miror and not hear all those cruel voices reminding you of all your imperfection so thankyou Drishya for taking this moment to remind us all we are all gorgeous :D.

Apr 26, 2014

M G.

amen sstr

Apr 26, 2014

Traci W.

Well said Drishya B:)

Apr 26, 2014

Shelley W.

Thank you for posting this. I've been feeling a lil down about a recent surgical scar and today I just decided to say "screw it" and not feel like junk over it. So this post just re-enforces that I need to stick to being positive. Thanks again.xxxx

Apr 26, 2014

Hannah K.

Thank you so much Drishya! You made my day <3 x

Apr 26, 2014

Kelly H.

Thank you, that is a beautiful post.

@Shelley, you are one of the most beautiful people I've ever run into, both inside and out, I'm sure even though it's hard to think that way now, that the new battle scar you have will only improve your beauty. I hope you are well.

Apr 26, 2014

Shelley W.

Awww thank you Kelly. xxxx

Apr 29, 2014

Tina K.
