Anyone know anything about hormonal imbalances?


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Mar 20, 2014

Sandra T.

Anyone have any idea or has has hormonal imbalances what did you do to balance your hormones?!

Mar 20, 2014

Anupa M.

Depending on what your imbalances are, yes there are ways to balance them :) I understand that this is a very private matter so if you'd feel comfortable emailing me the exact nature of your imbalance I can try to help you out. I suffer from imbalances as well and have been treating mine naturally for a few years now because medication was making me sicker than I wanted to be :) one things for sure though, it takes a lot longer to see changes with natural treatment than with medication :)

Mar 20, 2014

Anupa M.

Our bodies can naturally balance themselves. Ayurvedic medicine and Chinese medicine both have treatments, for something specific to you I'd consult one of those. Everyone's body is completely different so in order to rebalance yourself there are a number of changes to be made. And yeah, my doctor told me the same thing and then pumped me full of drug and pills that did balance out my hormonal symptoms but also made me throw up all over the place. Once I stopped those medications I was back to square one with my hormones. Spiro and other like medicines, including the mix of metformin and birth control pills, are life long commitments :/ I'm not about that noise. If you'd like more specific details, Jacqlyn, you're always welcome to email me :) I can't guarantee anything but if its something I'm familiar with I can always try and help :D.

Mar 20, 2014

Lynzie B.

Depends on what hormone imbalance your taking about and why you think you have one. I had to go to the doctor and get blood work done, to find out. I have an inherited one that I have to take pills for.

Mar 20, 2014

Anupa M.

Its OK! I appreciate your concern. I actually have pcos (I got diagnosed 4 years ago) as well and that's how I know :) I, unfortunately, have tried all the treatments that 2 different fertility specialists have given me and they all made me sick and miserable :) I have gotten professional help from an ayurvedic practitioner. Recent blood tests from a "normal" doctors came back fine last month (I do visit doctors, I just can't take their treatments) even though I still have cysts in my ovaries. There will be things that work for some people and not for others, I guess the best thing to do is accept that there are different options out there :)

Mar 20, 2014

Anupa M.

^I "yessed" so hard at that lmao

Mar 20, 2014

Vanessa K.

I used to have normal skin but in the past year my skin turn to very oily skin.Is it because of the hormonal imbalances? can I do anything to stop my skin getting oily?

Mar 20, 2014

Lynzie B.

@vanessa yeah it can be hormones, age, products you use, or environmental. Try switching up your skin care routine first to see if that changes anything.

Mar 20, 2014

Vanessa K.

I have quite dry skin in the winter time and due to bp lotion that I use.But since now is spring time already my skin (especially t zone and my cheeks) gets kinda oily even I only use jojoba oil or a lightweight moisturizer :/

Mar 20, 2014

Brandy S.

I'm seeing the dr today about hormones.. I really hope they listen to me this time because I know some of the things happening are not normal lol.

Mar 20, 2014

Aurora S.

I take spiro. It definitely helps but makes me tired at times.

Mar 20, 2014

Caitriona H.

Anupa do you mind if I email you too? I don't have hormonal problems but I have nerve ending issues and the 'proper' doctors have been utterly useless but I can't afford to see an alternative healer right now (150 euro a pop)

Mar 20, 2014

Brandy S.

Does spiro have any side effects? I use the nuva ring as birth control, and I'm afraid of gaining weight if I take something else. I believe my problem is an influx in testosterone

Mar 20, 2014

Brandy S.

I lose and gain weight pretty easily right now, I just don't want any extreme weight gain lol.

Mar 20, 2014

Shauna S.

It depends on what kind of hormonal imbalance. mood swings? acne? irregular periods? etc. many of these can be fixed with birth control. for me personally birth control has been making me get weird mood swings and my doctor told me I have an imbalance of estrogen and I need to take a very small amount of it or maybe none at all. if you aren't on birth control then I recommend trying it because a lot of women need some extra estrogen to balance their body, I was just lucky enough that I don't need it and now that I'm taking it it's throwing off my mood. you can also try some maca root in your daily diet but I highly recommend seeing your doctor to discuss your symptoms and find a treatment.