Thinking of doing color change!


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Mar 21, 2014

Abby B.

I'm really wanting to change up my hair, I'm a natural redhead and I've never dyed my hair. I really want to go to a platinum/grey/silver color. This is me now...

Mar 21, 2014

Abby B.

And these are the colors I'm thinking of

Mar 21, 2014

Abby B.


Mar 21, 2014

Abby B.


Mar 21, 2014

Shaily K.

I love the first one!

Mar 21, 2014

Stephanie F.

I love the 1st one as well!

Mar 21, 2014

Delias H.

That would look really good on you!! Love the third one!! :)

Mar 21, 2014

Shiro M.

The 1st one would look great!

Mar 21, 2014

Ember F.

It would look fabulous but here's the thing unless you are willing to fry your hair it won't happen. You will loose two to three inches minimum, you will be buying a lot of bleach and a lot of toner and most likely you'll never feel satisfied with it. At least that was my experience, everyone said my hair was white but to me I could notice the green and yellow tones it had. So be 900% positive you want to do this and that you don't mind looking like a hot mess for a bit. However if you do do this and end up hating it unnatural colors take really well over heavily bleached hair so you could easily dye it a neon color.

Mar 21, 2014

Coralys V.

Agree^ but I think it would look very pretty! :)

Mar 21, 2014

Jessica N.

Do it, it would look awesome on you. it's difficult to keep it at that colour though lol own experience!! 😊

Mar 21, 2014

Delaney K.

I'm going to be honest here. I absolutely love these colors you picked and because your a natural redhead (I'm assuming you have pale skin) your skin will look lovely with it. BUT as a natural redhead myself I will worn you your hair will always pull warm tones meaning you will have to tone your hair CONSTANTLY to keep it so cool toned and the second your natural hair starts growing it will be so noticeable especially with so warm next to so cool. I don't want to tell you what to do just some food for thought.

Mar 21, 2014

Kayla B.

I love the first one but go to somebody professional! Girls should honestly never dye hair at home from box colors or bleach like quick blue. They're absolutely awful , you never know what base color you're getting and bleach when used at home can be disastrous!! But go to a stylist and if she's good she can get you there Easily being as its virgin hair.Since you have never dyed you will have a a lot easier time getting the tone you want. When you color your hair it kicks your actual color molecule out and replaces it with dye so when you color over and over youre just coloring over the previous dye not actually taking it out. bleaching is oppisite youre flat out killing said color molecule , thats why its so damaging ,but the previous color will be hard to kill and its base tone will appear , (when you will mostly get green / orange / blondes. ) if that makes sense. But hoorahh you have virgin hair and you shouldn't get as much damage , after you have it done use lots of hair masks and treat your hair nice! Hope that helps 😘

Mar 21, 2014

MarYy C.

first one dear

Mar 21, 2014

Roz X.

I agree with Kayla. How many, "Help, I ruined my hair!!" threads have we all seen? Oh my.
That aside, I didn't see Abby saying that she was going to do it at home or mention any products. My understanding was that she wanted a change because she's never dyed her hair before.

Mar 21, 2014

Sanjana N.


But I think some dark colors will suit you much better.. It's just what I feel.. :-)

Mar 21, 2014

Zeema V.

The hair color is cute but I kinda think you should take steps and maybe first just lighten your hair a few shades at a time and gradually work up the the blond type color. Also that way you can kind of get an idea of what it's going to look like in case you change your mind.

Mar 21, 2014

Rachel O.

I love that icy grey colour but I think it will be hard for you to achieve. Red is one of the hardest colours to bleach, trust me I was a brunette with red undertones and it took several sessions with the hairdresser to lift to a warm blonde. Your hair is beautiful naturally but if you really want a drastic change you should get it done professionally. Just be prepared that it won't be instant.

Mar 21, 2014

Shaye M.

Hey girl! I'm naturally redhead too, I had my hair this colour. If you really want to do it then go for it, I actually didn't fry my hair like most people would think, either. But like the other girls said, bleaching red hair sucks so bad! My regrowth literally did not lift 2 shades even when I bleached It with 30vol haha. I've done my hair this colour twice, the first time didn't go so well because I was inexperienced with bleach but the second time (pic) went so well! To be honest it's about finding the products that work for you, for me toners didn't work how I thought they were supposed to so I maintained upkeep of the lilac/silver colour by putting toning shampoo on dry hair for anywhere up to 3 hours depending on the colour I wanted. The maintainence sucks but it is possible :)

Mar 21, 2014

Shaye M.

But now I'm thinking about it, I wish I'd never dyed my hair in general because I miss my natural colour so be sure you want it cause I'm still having trouble finding a dye that doesn't look bad to dye my hair ginger again.