I Need a fresh start.


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Mar 21, 2014

Miranda R.

I'm tired of my look right now. I Have horrible zitty dry skin, Dark horrible blonde (I think) Bad fashion taste and I only wear mascara because I can never put foundation on right. The last time I wore foundation, my skin would show through and look HORRIBLE. Help :( I Feel really self conscious.

Mar 21, 2014

Anna J.

For zits and pimples try tea tree oil. Maybe go strawberry blonde. If you haven't try YouTube on how to put on foundation. Always always moisturizer.

Mar 21, 2014

Miranda R.

Thanks Annika xox ;-)

Mar 21, 2014

Ame S.

First of all, you need to slow down on counting your flaws, I know how exactly you feel, I have gone through depressive phases where I just hated me, my body, skin etc. This poor self image gets you nothing. You need to be patient with yourself and put in efforts to improve yourself step by step, it will take time but you owe it to yourself. If your skin is acne prone, you could try getting a routine of using an oil free cleanser, salicylic acid toner and moisturiser for acne prone skin. If the zits are bad, go see a doctor, I am sure there's a solution to that. I have had acne prone skin since a few years, its hard to find the right foundation but I think Cover FX is really good, used it a little over a week and it makes my skin appear flawless! Try getting a good foundation setting loose powder, it will help the skin look good too. Above all, remember that you're the only one who can truly help yourself.

Mar 21, 2014

Miranda R.

Thanks Ame!! :-) that really helps me to know that I'm not the only one who's been/is the going/gone through this. :)

Mar 21, 2014

Ame S.

You're not even close to being alone doll, my roomie attempted suicide because her shitty bf left her cuz he thought she "looked like a parasite".It took 3 years worth of counselling and millions of tough conversations to get her realise her true value. My depression was nothing in comparison. And yes, acne has severe impact, it can potentially damage your self image. Once you find what works for your skin, you will feel much better. Although there's really nothing to be self concious of, you will always meet someone who will find faults no matter how perfect you are, so don't judge yourself by what people will think when they see you.

Mar 21, 2014

Miranda R.

Thank you :) And is she okay now?! are you okay??!!

Mar 21, 2014

Ame S.

Yes we are both doing very well, this was about 2 years ago, she's seeing a wonderful guy since about a year now =) Thanks for asking! We are both post graduates now too, so yes.

Mar 22, 2014

Kathy K.

Since you have acne prone skin try using a powder foundation set.