How to fade a semi permanent pink out of my ombré tips?


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Mar 21, 2014

Ciorana R.

I dyed my blonde ombré pink with a semi permanent last Saturday. Then on Tuesday I receive an email for an interview in two weeks. I don't want to lose my blonde ombré y just want to get rid of the pink. What can I do to fade the color fast?

I already started doing the vitamin C with baking soda and anti-dandruff shampoo treatment and it's working in some parts.

Mar 21, 2014

Drishya B.

This mite dry out your hair more so make sure to use some heavy duty conditioner after. Mix one part hair bleach one part shampoo one part peroxide and apply it to wet hair. leave it for 10 mins.

Mar 21, 2014

Flor R.

When I had pink hair I was able to tone it out with the t18 toner

Mar 21, 2014

Dorothea S.

I'd follow what Flor said. A toner ought to do the trick if you're washing it out so much. I don't really know what cancels out pink tones so I'd go to my local Sallys or beauty supply store and ask for help. Otherwise, I'd go with what Lindsay said and wash it a few more times.

Drishya I don't think mixing bleach and peroxide is good for anything. That in fact sounds really toxic and like death for her. I would think that's asking to break someone's hair off immediately and I don't think shampoo would be a good neutralizer for any of those components put together. I'd look into what concoction that is a little more cause it doesn't necessarily sound safe.

Mar 21, 2014

Drishya B.

Yes I mean peroxide which you mix with d bleach. it is very dry in for thr hair that's y I said to put it when thr hair is wet
it's not so harsh as it sounds. it's a professional way to remove thr tone of the hair. have done it several times n what I mean by mixing it with shampoo is that you don't use a large quantity of it, just the same amount you use to shampoo your hair with. That way thrs just a little bleach to remove the color

Mar 21, 2014

Drishya B.

X hope this helps. you can search online for more tips.

Mar 21, 2014

Aurora S.

Mixing hair bleach and shampoo and washing your hair with that mix is called a "bleach bath" and used to help lighten hair that was colored but it's not left on long enough to lighten naturally dark hair so it's not as strong as using bleach by itself. Another way to take out the color is mixing shampoo and baking soda and even just using a dandruff shampoo.