Wanting that new look 😌😝


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Mar 19, 2014

Charlotte K.

I really want a new look. I have brown hair & I recently got blonde highlights.. But I really want a different new hairstyle. I've had it pretty much like this my whole life.. Also btw I have somewhat thick wavy hair.

Mar 19, 2014

Qwaserght T.

I love your hair how it is but if you want to change it maybe get bangs or cut it shorter??

Mar 19, 2014

Madalyn B.

Yeah! I agree! Maybe some side bangs, or you could get your hair slightly thinned and layered. I have really thick hair too, so I feel your pain there.

Mar 19, 2014

Shiro M.

Side bangs would look great! My hair is pretty similar in texture, length, and color and I find that side bangs look good and are manageable :)